Thursday, October 22, 2009


   Recently a prospective customer asked me if I would make her a tea bowl just like my large decorative bowls with the added thrown feet. I replied that I would love to, but added that it would be quite a bit of work since it takes time to add detailed handles, draw, incise and paint
 my landscapes on both sides. I gave her a price. I told her I would make two of them - she could choose her favorite - and she agreed that was fair.
   So these photos are a  partial progression of the process. Over a period of a couple weeks, I sent her a pictorial series of where the two cups were in their journey. After they were glazed, fired and removed from the kiln I emailed her photos so she could choose one; and so she did - but that was the end of our correspondence. Maybe it was the economy that doomed my sale; maybe there were other reasons. However, I was quite glad I had made them; thinking that they were both very successful pieces that just haven't found their home yet.
Update- Feb 13, 2011- sold in the Tamarack Gallery during an opening show

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